

主演:Jean-Paul Rouve Sophie Quinton Guillaume Gouix







罗素是畅销犯罪小说作家,但最近有了严重的写作瓶颈。为了领取远房亲戚留给他的遗物,他造访位於法国与瑞士交界的偏远山区,在冰天雪地的小镇里却碰上了一起轰动当地的谋杀案。死者是小镇上名气响当当的美人坎蒂丝,当地警方却直接跳过调查程序,以自杀草草结案,但罗素深信事有蹊跷,而且这桩离奇事件意外地带给罗素丰沛的写作灵感。在一番明查暗访後,罗素发现生前性感美丽的坎蒂丝自幼在破碎的家庭长大,感情生活复杂,而且罗素越调查就越发现坎蒂丝的悲剧遭遇与传奇性感巨星玛丽莲梦露有诸多雷同之处。是谁造成了坎蒂丝犹如梦露翻版的悲剧性人生?最重要的是,到底是谁杀了坎蒂丝? Rousseau\" is a Parisian bestselling crime novelist, working on a new novel but desperately looking for a good story. \"Candice Lecoeur\" is a young, attractive, and vibrant woman who thinks she is the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe. But Candice is living far away from the city. Born in a remote area of France, she manages to become a model for the small cheese factory based in the area. She becomes a star; but only a local one. The two will meet but only after Candice has been found dead. Cause of death: suicide by sleeping pills. Rousseau is the only one who doesn\'t buy it and who wants to know the true cause of her death. In his search for the truth, he will be confronted with many difficulties: becoming a detective-novelist and getting respect from the locals, and going beyond what some people want to keep secret forever.

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