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讲述了一个黑帮老大遇到一个伤心男孩的故事 金姆需要有人拥抱他的身体一个晚上。这是唯一一个知道你真正需求是什么的夜晚。这也是唯一一个让黑帮老大“卡莫尔”不想让金姆属于任何人的夜晚。 金姆,一个25岁的上班族,已经和他的学长戴一见钟情很久了。为了忘掉他继续生活,他决定和一个在酒吧遇到的陌生人发生一夜情。他不知道的是,这个陌生人会开始喜欢他到无可挽回的地步。 卡莫尔,一个30岁的黑道,在床上有一些特殊的需求,所以他不断地更换伴侣,但没有人能够满足他。一天晚上,他遇到了金姆,金姆完美地满足了他的需求。就在这时,卡莫尔决定把这个人变成自己的,并开始追求他。~~改编自网络小说《黑手党的坏爱情》(ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) Kim needed someone to embrace his body for just one night. It's the only night to know what your true needs are. And it was the only night that made the mafia "Kamol" not want to let Kim belong to anyone Kim, a 25 year old office worker, has been in one sided love with his senior, Day, for a a long time. To forget about him and move on, he decides to have one night stand with a random stranger he met at the bar. What he didn't know was the stranger would start liking him to the point of no return. Kamol, a 30 year old mafia, has some special needs in bed and so he keeps switching partners but no one is able to satisfy him. One night he meets Kim, who perfectly meets his needs. Right at that moment, Kamol decided to make the man his own and starts pursuing him. ~~ Adapted from the web novel "Mafia's Bad Love" (ร้ายนักนะ...รักของมาเฟีย!!) by Yoe Nim (ยอนิม). Edit Translation

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